This night also includes TV Medium Ralph Keeton, Mediumship demonstration at the Wicked Images Studio, with haunted artefacts. Read More →
This is a night of investigations and the dark art of raising the dead. You will be guided by our resident exorcist. Limited early! Read More →
Visiting the northeast in Hartlepool, with a stand up mediumship demonstration along with haunetd artefacts.
A special night. Try not to be too perturbed by the information being provided. Catch up on old friends and understand how Ralph works with spirits both good and bad.!
Watch,listen and learn with a demonstration of mediumship. Hear about the real events of the artefacts on display.
One of the most respected mediums appearing on TV and Radio is Ralph keeton. This night will be filled with emotion and insights revealing who is with you.
Not everything is allowed in spiritual terms, a demonstration of mediumship and how these actions resulted in the recovery of haunetd artefacts.
The love of a mother, father or child haunts these buildings. Stay Calm and Breathing deeply will not help. Try meeting a scorned loved one, death by insanity or a plague victim they are here! Why not join us for a night of ghost hunting
Do not be alarmed by the Creaks of the Floorboards, the Murmurs in the Roof, the Shrill call of a distant Howl. Stay Calm and Breathe deeply. The ghosts of 'Christmas Past' are gathering. Find out why Christmas was banned in the UK and the consequences of that action for the royalty.
New year resolutions will not help you with the dead, they don't care. This Most hanuted Building carries memories of the past we are trying to unearth......
The love of a mother, father or child haunts these buildings. Stay Calm and Breathing deeply will not help. Try meeting a scorned loved one, death by insanity or a plague victim they are here! Why not join us for a night of ghost hunting